EVOC 503 Instructor The
purpose of EVOC 503 WA1 was to prepare an Individual Education Plan for
one of the students in a course that I might teach. The following six
criteria were specified: 1.
Comply with all of the General Criteria for Written Assignments. 2.
Develop an "Individual Education Plan" for a particular
"Special Needs Student." The plan should not be more than two
pages (typewritten or word processed). 3.
Indicate the name of a student, but change the name of any real
students (for this assignment) in order to protect confidentiality and
briefly describe the course in which the student is enrolled. 4.
Describe the student with respect to gender, age and both mental
and physical development (only observable characteristics: NO SPECULATION) 5.
Describe a specific problem that the student is having (again, only
observable characteristics: NO SPECULATION). 6.
Describe an instructional strategy relative to helping the student
overcome the problem. Be sure to indicate how and when evaluation will be
made to determine if the strategy is working. The
following sources of information were used relative to this assignment: 1.
Little - From my own professional experience. 2.
Lowman, Judy - Geology
Instructor at Chaffey College I
believe that the attached proposal meets all six of above listed criteria
and respectfully request full credit: one point for meeting each of the
above listed criteria. |
Education Plan for Sharon Haggle